Weekend Self-Care: 5 Simple Habits for a Happier You

 Sunday’s are for Self-care.

That’s my motto—Sunday’s are purely for self-care. But honestly, there are weekends where I just laze around, glued to my phone, and watch the day pass by without doing anything truly restorative. Sometimes, I sleep in until the afternoon. And you know what? That’s okay. But I also want to do something that makes me feel better, like I’ve accomplished something when the new week starts. So, I thought of a few things that would make me feel good and prep me to feel energized for the days ahead.

1. Listen to Music While Cleaning Your House

"When you put your house in order, you put your affairs and your past in order, too. As a result, you can see quite clearly what you need and what you don’t, and what you should and shouldn’t do.” -- Marie Kondo

Our homes can get cluttered, especially when we feel like we don’t have time to clean. If you’re like me, cleaning wasn't a habit growing up. My mom loved to clean, and she always took care of the mess. But every now and then, I’d attempt to clean (not nearly as well as her, but it was a start) while listening to an audiobook. It felt surprisingly soothing, and having a decluttered space brought a sense of peace and joy.

Now, I make it a ritual to clean while listening to audiobooks or podcasts. It helps me feel like my space is truly my own again.

2. Unplug: 24-Hour Social Detox

If you’re like me, hours on your phone can disappear before you know it, and suddenly, the weekend is gone. But weekends are the perfect time to unplug because there are no work emergencies. The world won’t collapse if you turn off your phone for a day—even if it feels like it might.

Try a digital sabbatical for 24 hours. With all that free time, you can pick up hobbies you’ve been neglecting, watch the sunset, spend quality time with family, or simply enjoy some solitude. You’ll be amazed at how much more present and recharged you feel.

3. Walk 10,000 Steps

In the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, walking 10,000 steps a day became popular thanks to a Japanese company that introduced a pedometer to track daily steps. Later, studies confirmed the many health benefits of walking this much.

Like many, I have a sedentary job, and I barely walk during work hours. I try to take the stairs whenever I can because it's often quieter and more peaceful than the elevator. If you're in the same boat, why not use the weekend to hit those 10,000 steps? Go for a walk or a run and get your body moving!

4. Reading

Reading is therapeutic for me. I love grabbing a book, brewing my favorite rose tea, and curling up in my cozy reading nook, free from digital distractions. Sure, I read during the week, but there’s something extra special about doing it on a Sunday.

Benefits of Reading Here!

5. Plan Your Week

Planning for the week ahead on the weekend saves you time and mental energy when the busyness of Monday kicks in. During the week, we’re already packed with schedules and commitments, so planning ahead means you won’t have to scramble.

I came across the concept of a "Burner List" from the book Make Time. Here’s a brief explanation:

A "Burner List" helps you prioritize what truly matters by "turning off" non-essential tasks, much like turning off burners on a stove to focus heat on the most important things. Here’s how to make your own Burner List:

  1. Identify Your Key Priorities (Front Burner):
    • Main Goal for the Day: What’s the most important thing you want to accomplish?
    • Secondary Tasks: List 1-2 important but less urgent things that move your long-term goals forward.
  2. Push Non-Essential Tasks to the Back Burner:
    • Low-Priority Tasks: Tasks that can wait, be delegated, or handled later, like minor emails or non-urgent errands.

Taking time for self-care on weekends is essential to recharge both physically and mentally. By incorporating small but impactful habits like cleaning your space, unplugging from your devices, walking 10,000 steps, and planning your week, you create a more balanced, mindful life. Remember, it’s not about doing everything perfectly, but about finding what works best for you to feel refreshed and ready for the week ahead.

So, whether it’s listening to music while you clean, indulging in a digital detox, or simply curling up with a good book, make your weekend self-care routine something you look forward to and truly enjoy. You deserve it!